Pidän äänen kanssa työskentelyssäni spontaanista jammailusta ja useimmiten en edes äänitä mitään talteen. Tällä sivulla on kuitenkin on joitakin omia äänikokeilujani. Minua kiinnostaa erityisesti kokeellinen ääni, elektroninen musiikki ja ympäristöäänet. Olen erityisesti innostunut modulaarisesta syntetisaattorista kokeilujeni keskiössä. Julkaisen kokeilujani myös Instagramissa hashtagilla #tylsimysli. Joitakin äänityksiäni löytyy myös Soundcloudista.
Maja Ambient Four - Tomas De Rita, kuva: Joska Pyykkö
Oma versioni Laurie Andersonin Tape-Bow Violinista (1977).
Two Krell patches singing together. Delay and reverb added. Magical and a bit spooky. 01.01.2019
@truecuckoo says: ”What is Jamuary? The goal is to post one jam every day of January. If you don’t have the time, a few times is better than nothing. Browse the hashtag, get inspired. Jam more. 1-minute ”Insta-jams” is a great practise to help get going. No need to complete a whole song. Get over that barrier holding you back. ❤️ 02.01.2019
IT’S TIME!!! Today I played Butt Ugly Dirt Style Breaks record with two 0-Coast synths. Audio from Vestax mixer was fed to Mutable Ears for amplifying to modular levels and then to Field Kit envelope follower and envelope was used for synths. Mixer volume fader and 0-Coast’s pitch were mainly used for the sound sculpting. Mixers volume and Hi/Lo settings affected also to the sound ranging from bass, lazer zaps, bird chirping to plain screaming. This was fun! 🤖 05.01.2019
DUB TIME! TB-03 + Wogglebug + Magneto + 5-0 Police Radio (Chicago Police). 06.01.2019
Weird Magneto tape echo workout ”Kuminauha” (2 x 1 min). iPhone app Ruismaker beat to Mutable Music Things Ears (gate & CV ->) to 0-Coast to Magneto.
A short snippet from a jam loosely inspired from the great Chernobyl (miniseries). 11th of June, 2019.